Monday, September 19, 2016

Program Alum on Team that Wins a "Creative Arts Emmy Award"

Music Industry program alum, Bill Higley, was part of a team that recently won an "Outstanding Sound Mixing" award for the Amazon Studios show, "Mozart in the Jungle". Bill is an ADR mixer for the show, but emphasized that the award included re-recording mixers Andy D'Addario and Gary Gegan, fellow ADR mixer Chris Navarro, as well as production mixer, Thomas Varga.

Bill with members of the Mozart In The Jungle Mix Team: Gary Gegan, Chris Navarro and Thomas Varga

It is always exciting and special to see the phenomenal work that program graduates are doing in so many forms. He told us that it has been a pleasure to work with the team and he was honored to have been a part of the award. We thank Bill for sharing his accomplishment, and look forward to continuing to follow him and the successes of other alumni!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Gearing up for the Fall 2016 School Year

The Fall semester is ready to begin, and we're all set for another busy stretch of classes and studio sessions. There's a lot to be excited about, including:

  • An upgraded Pro Tools studio with new accessories and acoustic paneling
  • A large incoming Freshman class of Recording Tech and Music Business Majors
  • Continued strong enrollment of Music Industry Minors
  • Full enrollment in the Recording Tech and Audio for Video classes
  • New equipment for live concert multi-track recording in the Recital Hall
  • A big group of students in "Care & Repair" class to continue to make improvements and upgrades
We are looking forward to continued growth, student projects, music performances, internship opportunities, and student successes!